Thanks to the original members of SBF/MSMA team for their contributions,
and to May Nemat Allah for their extensive work compiling sources for the English Bibliography.

Download a PDF version of the English Bibliography




Dr. Jennifer Roberts Smith, Project Director

Dr. Nicole Nolette, Project Co-Director





Prepared by Sarah Robbins


11 January 2022


Revised 20 October 2022


© Staging Better Futures/Mettre en scène de meilleurs avenirs 2022


1) Indigeneity

2bears, Jackson, and Janet Rogers. “For This Land.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 173 (2018), pp. 26–30.

“80 cities and towns respond to Idle No More’s calls to #CancelCanadaDay.” Idle No More, 28 June 2021,


Absolon, Kathleen E. Kaandossiwin: How We Come to Know. Fernwood Publishing, 2011.


“An Indigenous Led Social Movement.” Idle No More,


Andersen, Chris, and Jean M. O’Brien. Sources and Methods in Indigenous Studies. Routledge, 2017.

Appleford, Robert. Aboriginal Drama and Theatre. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2005.​

Article 11. “Mission & Mandate.” Article 11, Indigenous Activist Arts,

Baehre, Rainer. “Indigenizing the Academy: The Case of Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Newfoundland Mi'kmaq Resurgence.” The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, Vol. Vol. 40 (2013), pp. 81.

Battiste, Marie. Visioning a Mi'kmaw Humanities: Indigenizing the Academy. Sydney: Cape Breton University Press, 2017.

———. Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000.

———.  “Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Academy: Toward Cognitive Justice.” University of Saskatchewan,

———. Indigenous Knowledge and Pedagogy in First Nations Education: A Literature Review. National Working Group on Education and the Minister of Indian Affairs. Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 31 Oct 2002. Retrieved from:

Behm, John. “A Tribe Called Red: “The Road” / Minneapolis Idle No More Day Of Action.” Reviler, 24 Jan 2013,


“Black Work Broadway.”


Bonnell, Yolanda. “Why I’m Asking White Critics Not to Review My Show.” Vice Newsletter, 14 Feb. 2020.

Brooklyn Museum. “Global Feminisms: Rebecca Belmore.” YouTube. 28 Apr 2010.

Brown,  Lorna. “Digital Natives.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 164 (2015), pp. 31–35.

Brulé, Elizabeth and RuthKoleszar-Green. “Cedar, Tea and Stories: Two Indigenous Women Scholars Talk About Indigenizing the Academy.” Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, Vol. 10.2 (2019), pp.109-118.

Campbell, Maria. “We Need to Return to the Principles of Wahkotowin.” Eagle Feather News, Nov 2007,

Canada Council for the Arts. “Evaluation of the Suite of Aboriginal Arts Programs - Final Summary Report.” 31 July 2015,

Carter, Jill. 2018. “A Moment of Reckoning, an Activation of Refusal, A Project of Reworlding.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 198 (Spring 2021), pp. 13-17.

———.  “Calling Out at the ‘Edge of the Woods’: The Protocol as Perlocutionary Event.” Cultural Diversity and the Stage, Vol. 15.1, pp. 11-17.

———. “Discarding Sympathy, Disrupting Catharsis: The Mortification of Indigenous Flesh as Survivance-Intervention.” Theatre Journal, Vol. 67.3 (October 2015), pp. 413-432.

———.  “Indigenous Rage Incarnate: Irreconcilable Spaces and Indigestible Bodies.” Women in Popular Culture in Canada. Ed. Laine Zisman Newman. Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2020. pp. 224-238.

———. “Interventions into the Maw of Old World Hunger: Frog Monsters, Kinstellatory Maps, and Radical Relationalities in a Project of Reworlding.” Canadian Performance Histories and Historiographies, edited by Heather Davis-Fisch and Alexandra. Kovacs, 2017, pp. 205–31.

———.  “’It’s About Becoming’: Indigenating Research Practice at the CDTPS.” Theatre Researching Canada, Vol. 39.2 (Fall 2018), pp. 242-251.

———.  “Master Class: Retreating to / Re-treating from ‘Irreconcilable Space’: Canadian Theatre Workers and the Project of Conciliation.” The Directors Lab: Techniques, Methods, and Conversations about All Things Theatre. Ed. Evan Tsitsias. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2019, pp. 185-201.

———. “’My! What Big Teeth You Have!’: On the Art of Being Seen and Not Eaten.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 182 (Spring 2020), pp. 16-21.

———.  Repairing the Web: Spiderwoman's Children Staging the New Human Being. University of Toronto. Dissertation Abstracts International, 2010.

———. “Research and (Re)Conciliation: Imagining Eighth Fire Scholarship in Action.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/ Revue Canadienne de Litérature Comparée (Special Issue: Truth and Reconciliation Practices in a Comparative Perspective), pp. 550-568.

———. “Sovereign Proclamations of the Twenty-First Century: Scripting Survivance through the Language of Soft Power.” Performing Indigeneity, edited by Yvette Nolan and Richard Paul Knowles, 1st Ed., Playwrights Canada Press, 2016, pp. 33–65.

Caven, Febna. “Being Idle No More: The Women Behind the Movement.” Cultural Survival Quarterly Magazine, Vol. 37.1, March 2013,


Chocolate Woman Collective. “Side Show Freaks & Circus Injuns.” Vimeo, Mar 2016,


Clark, Kimi. Fire Zine! A Kamloopa Study Buddy. 2020.

Clements, Marie. The Unnatural and Accidental Women. Alexandria: Alexander Street Press, 2007.

Council of Parties. “Journey to Light: A Different Way Forward: Final Report of the Restorative Inquiry – Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children.” Province of Nova Scotia, 2019,

Couture,  Selena. “Theatrical Activism in Vancouver: From the Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood of BC to Marie Clements’s The Road Forward and Back.”  Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 164 (2015), pp. 44–50.

Cote-Meek, Sheila, and Taima Moeke-Pickering, eds. Decolonizing and indigenizing education in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Scholars, 2020.


Crowe, Roewan and Alex Wilson. “Idle No More Round Dance Revolution at the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Montreal Encuentro: A Discussion with Roewan Crowe and Alex Wilson.” Hemispheric Institute,


Désir, Rhodnie. “Decolonizing Dance Stages: Presenters talk about breaking barriers.” The Dance Current, 18 Jan 2018,


Doerfler, Jill, et al. Centering Anishinaabeg Studies: Understanding the World Through Stories. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2013.


Donald, Dwayne. “Indigenous Métissage: A Decolonizing Research Sensibility.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Vol. 25, no. 5, 2012, pp. 535–55.


Drouin-Gagné, Marie-Eve. “Beyond the ‘Indigenizing the Academy’ Trend: Learning from Indigenous Higher Education Land-Based and Intercultural Pedagogies to Build Trans-Systemic Decolonial Education. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, Vol. 7.1 (2021), pp. 45-56.


Fast, Elizabeth, and Margaret Kovach. ““Community Relationships within Indigenous Methodologies.” Applying Indigenous Research Methods: Storying with Peoples and Communities. Routledge, 2019, pp. 21-36.


Garneau, David. “Imaginary Spaces of Conciliation and Reconciliation : Art, Curation, and Healing.” Arts of Engagement: Taking Aesthetic Action in and beyond the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, edited by Keavy Martin et al., Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2016, pp. 21–41.


Gaudet, Janice Cindy. “Keeoukaywin: The Visiting Way - Fostering an Indigenous Research Methodology.” Aboriginal Policy Studies, Vol. 7, no. 2, (January 2019),


Graveline, Fyre Jean. Circle Works: Transforming Eurocentric Consciousness. Fernwood, 1998.


Gray, Victoria. “See What the Mush Hole Project Left Behind.”, 12 Sep 2016, Web.


Hanrahan, Maura, and Kirk Anderson. “The Work of Indigenizing the Academy.” The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, Vol. Vol. 40 (2013), pp. 116.


Harvie, Jen. “A Multi-modal and Durational Praxis of Decolonization’: Performance Studies in Canada.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 176 (Fall 2018), pp. 115-117.


Henry, Frances, The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017. Print.

Hill, Kelly. Demographic Diversity of Artists in Canada in 2016. Statistical Insights in the Arts report 51, January 2020. Her Majesty in right of Canada, 2019.


Hinton, Peter. “Aboriginal Theatre in Canada: An Overview.” National Arts Centre English Theatre. 2008,

“Idle No More Activists Gather on Parliament Hill.” CBC News, 28 Jan 2013.

Indigenous Action. “Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex.” 4 May 2014,

Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance.

The Indigenous Student Association at the University of Waterloo (ISA), et al. “Equity for Who.” Letter to University of Waterloo. 7 July 2020.

“International Symposium on Transformative Leadership and Decolonial Praxis.” Oct 2020. Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,

Joseph, Bob. 21 Things You Might Not Know About the Indian Act. Page Two Books, Inc., 2018.

———. Indigenous Relations. Page Two Books Inc., 2019.

King, Thomas. The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America. Anchor Canada, 2013.​

Knowles, Ric, and Monique Mojica, eds. Staging Coyote's Dream: An Anthology of First Nations Drama in English, volumes 1 and 2. Playwrights Canada Press, 2003.​

Kovach, M. Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations and Context. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Kuokkanen, R. J. Reshaping the University: Responsibility, Indigenous Epistemes and the Logic of the Gift. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

Lachance, Lindsay. “Tiny Sparks Everywhere: Birchbark Biting as Land-Based Dramaturgies.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 186 (Spring 2021), pp. 54-58.

Laenui, Poka. “Processes of Decolonization.” Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. Ed.         Marie Battiste. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. pp. 150-160. Print.

Landman, Tarryn. “Spy Dénommé-Welch receives Education award for Teaching Excellence.” The Brock News, 24 June 2020,

Maga, Carly. “Rocks play role in artist’s spiritual journey in new play Prophecy Fog.” The Toronto Star, 17 May 2019,

Manuel, Arthur, and Ronald M. Derrickson. Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy. Lorimer, 2017.​

Manuel, Kanahus. “This Is More Than A Renaissance. It’s A Revolution.” Huffington Post Canada, 23 Feb 2018,

Maracle, Lee. My Conversations With Canadians. BookThug, 2017.​

Maracle, Sylvie, and Magdalena Smolewski. USAI Research Framework: Utility Self-voicing Access Inter-relationality. 2nd Ed. Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC), November 2016, .


McKenzie, Sarah. Indigenous Women’s Theatre in Canada: A Mechanism of Decolonization. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2020.


Mengesha, Lillian. Indigenous Theater and Performance of North America Resource Guide, .

———. “Where Water Meets Land: Water’s Time and Place’s Thought in Rebecca Belmore’s Fountain.”  Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 174 (2018), pp. 9–12.


Milroy, Sarah. “Historic Drag, Kent Monkman’s new show redresses colonial art.” Walrus. May 2014,


Moreton-Robinson, Aileen. The White Possessive: Property, Power, and Indigenous Sovereignty. University of Minnesota Press, 2015.


Moses, Daniel David. Almighty Voice and His Wife. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2006.


Moll, Sorouja. “Writing Names: UnSilencing the Number of Missing and Murdered Women in Canada.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 168 (Fall 2016), pp. 94-99.


Morris, Amanda. “Twenty-First Century Debt Collectors: Idle No More Combats a Five-Hundres-Year-Old-Debt.” Women’s Studies Quarterly, Vol. 42, ½ (2014).


Mumford, Marrie. “Kipmoojikewin: The Things We Carry with Us.” Performing Indigeneity, edited by Yvette Nolan and Ric Knowles, 1st edition, Playwrights Canada Press, 2016, pp. 66–86.


The Mush Hole Project. “About.” The Mush Hole Project. Sep 2016,


Narine, Shari. “Indigenous women playwrights changing the narrative for those once considered ‘vanquishable’.” Wind Speaker, 17 Feb 2021,

Native Earth Performing Arts. “Home of Indigenous Creation.”

Nolan, Yvette. Medicine Shows: Indigenous Performance Culture. First edition. Playwrights Canada Press, 2015.​

———. Beyond the Pale: Dramatic Writing from First Nations Writers and Writers of Colour. Playwrights Canada Press, 2004.


Nolan, Yvette, and Ric Knowles. Performing Indigeneity. Playwrights Canada Press, 2016.​

Nolan, Yvette, and Kennedy C. MacKinnon. “Death of a Chief.” Native Earth Performing Arts/National Arts Centre. 9 June 2008.

———. Staging Coyote’s Dream: An Anthology of First Nations Drama in English. Playwrights Canada Press, 2003.

O'Hara, Jean Elizabeth. Two-spirit Acts: Queer Indigenous Performances. Playwrights Canada Press, 2013.​

———.“Heart of the Telling.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 170 (2017), pp. 13-17.

Olson, Michelle. “Braids of a River: Memory and Performance in the North.” Canadian Theatre Review, vol. 174, Apr. 2018, pp. 62–64. (Crossref),

Ottawa Public Library. “Bug | Our Stories: Indigenous Book Club | Ottawa Public Library.” YouTube. 22 Mar 2021,

Ottmann, Jacqueline. “Indigenizing the Academy: Confronting ‘Contentious Ground’.” The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, Vol.  Vol.40 (2013), pp. 8.

Payette, Corey. “2030: Indigenous and Culturally Diverse Stories and Their Value To Society.”  Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 163 (2015), pp. 54–58.

Pete, Shauneen Maria. “Indigenizing the Academy: One Story.” Aboriginal Policy Studies, Vol. 4.1 (2015), pp. 65-72. .

Pitts, Phillipa. “From a Place of Love and Rage: Idle No More’s Cancel Canada Day Program.” Cultural Survival. 8 Jul 2020, . Web


Putnam-Walkerly, Kris, and Elizabeth Russell. “What the Heck Does Equity Mean?” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 15 Sep 2016,

Rickard, Jolene. “Rebecca Belmore: Performing Power.” 2016,

Rifkin, Mark. Beyond Settler Time: Temporal Sovereignty and Indigenous Self-Determination. Duke University Press, 2017.

Robinson,  Dylan. “Reconciliation Relations.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 161 (2015), pp. 60–63.

Robinson, Dylan, et al. “Rethinking the Practice and Performance of Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 177 (Winter 2019), pp. 20-30.

Senklip Harvey, Kim. “To: Arts Leaders Re: Take Heed. This is a Reckoning.” Personal blog. 7 Jun 2020,

Simpson, Leanne. As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance. University of Minnesota Press, 2017.

———. Simpson, L. “Land as pedagogy: Nishnaabeg intelligence and rebellious transformation.” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society, Vol. 3.3 (2014), pp. 1-25

———. Dancing On Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-creation, Resurgence and a New Emergence. ARP Books., 2011.​

———. Lighting the Eighth Fire: The Liberation, Resurgence, and Protection of Indigenous Nations. Arbeiter Ring Pub., 2008.

Sioui Durand, Yves. “Ondinnok: The First Nations  Theatre of Quebec.”  Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 150 (2012), pp. 56–60.

Smith, Annie. “Indigenous Languages on Stage: A Roundtable Conversation with Five Indigenous Theatre Artists.” Theatre Research in Canada, Vol. 38. 2, pp. 219-235.


Smith,  Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Bloomsbury Academic, 1999.


Stark, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik. “Stories as Law: A Method to Live By.” Sources and Methods in Indigenous Studies, edited by Chris Andersen and Jean M O’Brien, 2017, pp. 249–56.


Sur, Sanchari. “Decolonizing Theatre Practice as a Playwright and Performer: A Conversation with Yolanda Bonnell.” Intermission Magazine, 24 Feb 2020,


Swanson, Kerry., “The Noble Savage Was a Drag Queen: Hybridity and Transformation in Kent Monkman’s Performance and Visual Art Interventions.” e-misférica, Vol. 2, 2 (2005).

Swiftwolfe, Dakota. Indigenous Ally Toolkit. Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network.

Talaga, Tanya. Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City. Anansi, 2017.

Tate, Maggie. “Re-presenting invisibility: ghostly aesthetics in Rebecca Belmore’s Vigil and

The Named and the Unnamed.” Visual Studies, Vol.  30, 1 (2015),


Tomlins-Jahnke, Huia, et al., eds. Indigenous Education: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2019.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Recommendations. Toronto: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015, .


Tuck, E. and Yang, K.W. “Decolonization is not a Metaphor.” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, Vol. 1.1 (2013), pp. 1-40.

Turtle Gals Performance Ensemble. “The Only Good Indian…” Tarragon Theatre, Toronto, ON. Dec 2017,

———. “The Scrubbing Project.” Market Hall Performing Arts Centre, Peterborough, ON. Nov 2005,

Twigg, Troy Emery, Kris Demeanor, and Bruce Barton.  “The Making of Making Treaty 7: A Practical, Philosophical and Ideological Template for Intercultural Collaboration.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 172 (2017), pp. 82–86.

United Nations. “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” United Nations, 13 Sep 2007,

The University of Waterloo. “Truth and Reconciliation ‘The Offering’.” Workshop. Oct 2016. University of Waterloo,

U of T TRC Steering Committee. “Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin - Final Report of the Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.” Jan 2017,

Vimalassery, Manu et al. “Introduction: On Colonial Unknowing.” Theory & Event, Vol. 19. 4, (2016), .

Vosters, Helene. “Beyond Monumentalization: Activating Empathy for the ‘Lost Subjects of History’ through Embodied Memorial Performance,” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 157 (2014).

Wildcat, Matthew. “Wahkohtowin in Action.” Constitutional Forum, no. 1, Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta, 2018, p. 13.

Williams, Kenneth T. Thunderstick. Scirocco Drama, 2010.

———. Bannock Republic. Scirocco Drama, 2011.

———. Gordon Winter.  Scirocco Drama, 2012.

———.Cafe Daughter. Scirocco Drama, 2013.

———. In Care. Scirocco Drama, 2017. 

Woloshyn, Alexa. “Hearing Urban Indigeneity in Canada: Self-Determination, Community Formation, and Kinaesthetic Listening with A Tribe Called Red.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, Vol. 39, 3 (2015).

2) Race

“49 Plays by Women of Colour.” FuGen Theatre Company.

“About #ShutDownSTEM and #ShutDownAcademia.” Shut Down STEM,

Ahmed, Sara. Complaint! Durham: Duke University Press, 2021.


——. On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Duke University Press, 2012.


——. “The Nonperformativity of Antiracism.” Meridians, Vol. 7.1 (2006), pp. 104-26,


Alcorn, Narda E. “Practicing Equity: Anti-Racist Stage Management with Narda E. Alcorn.” 23 Feb 2021. Brock University, St. Catherine’s. Lecture.


Alexander, Bryant Keith. The Performative Sustainability of Race: Reflections on Black Culture and the Politics of Identity. Peter Lang, 2012.


Amuquandoh, Aba, e al. “CDTPS UofT Call to Action on Racism.” 29 Jun 2020.


anitafrika, d’bi young, “Black Plays Matter: Watah Theatre, Creating Safe Space for Black Artists  in These Dangerous Times” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 165 (2016), pp.26 - 31, .

———. “The Anitafrika Method.” d’bi.young anitafrika,

“Anti-Racist Resources for Your 2020 2021 Teaching.” Humanities Commons,

Ayache, Makram. “Anti-Oppression and Equity Consultation.” Makram Ayache,

———. “Blog: essays reflecting on values.” Makram Ayache,

Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time. Modern Library, 1995.

Baraka, Amiri. Conversations with Amiri Baraka. Charlie Reilly, ed. University Press of Mississippi, 1994.

Baraka, Amiri, and Fundi. In Our Terribleness: Some Elements and Meaning in Black Style. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970.

Barrie, Eva. “Words Have Weight (unless you've never had to carry that weight): The White Lens in Theatre.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. Volume 186 (Spring 2021), pp. 35-38.

Basar, Deniz. “A Survivor's Guide to Institutional Racism.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. Volume 186 (Spring 2021), pp. 39-44.

Beaulne-Steubing, Laura. “‘We are in a revolutionary moment’: Canadian academics take part in two-day strike against racism.” University Affairs, 16 Sep 2020,

Berman, Dilshad. Theatre performers say Canadian theatre is 'predominantly white.' CityTV, 2020

Bhaba, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.

 The BIPOC in TYA Community. Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Futures for Theatre and Young Audiences: a digital guide. TYA/USA, 2020,


Blackett, Adele, et al. “Scarborough National Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education: Principles, Actions, and Accountabilities.” 19 Feb 2021,

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Boisvert, Neil. “Toronto’s first black theatre companies are gone, leaving a void that still hasn’t been filled.” CBC, 13 Feb 2019, .

Bowen, Leah Simone. “The Flood: And Other Misadventures of the Female Prisoners of the St. Lawrence Market.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 170 (2017), pp. 69–88.

Bowen, Leah-Simone, Falen Johnson, and TK Matunda. Secret Life of Canada,


Boye, Seika. “Performance Curation and Communities of Colour: Open Reflection, Closed Report, and an Interview with Jane Gabriels.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 175 (2018), pp. 73–76.

Brewer, Nicole. “Anti-Racist Theatre.” n.d.


———. “Playwrights of Color, White Directors, and Exposing Racist Policy.” HowlRound Theatre Commons, 29 Aug 2019,

brown, adrienne marie. Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. Edinburgh: AK Press, 2017. Print.

Brown, Kyle G. “Canada's slavery secret: The whitewashing of 200 years of enslavement.” Ideas. CBC Radio. 9 Jun 2020,


Calnan, Claire. “Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources - Claire Calnan.” 12 June 2020,

Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). Campus Tool-Kit for Combatting Racism,

Carr, Graham, et al. “Concordia statement on Black Lives.” 9 Jun 2020,

Calvente, Lisa B. Y. “Here is something you can't understand: the suffocating whiteness of communication studies.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (2020),


Chan, Marjorie. “A Nanking Winter.” Factory Theatre, Toronto ON. Feb 2008,


“The Chat with Governor General's Literary Award Winner Amanda Parris.” 49th Shelf, 19 Niv 2019,

chescaleigh. “5 Tips For Being An Ally.” YouTube, 22 Nov 2014,

Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research. “CQ’s Anti-Black Racism Statement.”

Coates, Ta-Nehisi. “The Case for Reparations.” The Atlantic, June 2014,

Colbert, Soyica Diggs. “Black Rage: On Cultivating Black National Belonging.” Theatre Survey, 10 Aug 2016,

Cole, Desmond. “The Skin We're In: Pulling back the curtain on racism in Canada - CBC Docs POV.” CBC Docs. YouTube. 3 Nov 2017,


Cooper, Brittney. Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower. St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2018.


Corkum, Trevor. “The Chat with Governor General’s Literary Award Winner Amanda Parris,” 49th Shelf. 19 Nov 2019, .

Cox, Karen. “Letter to National Theatre School.” 7 July 2020. Accessed 10 Sept 2021.

Curry-Stevens, Ann and Marie-Elena Reyes. Protocol for Culturally Responsive Organizations.  Portland, Center to Advance Racial Equity, Portland State University, 2014,

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Daniher, Kim Colleen and Katherine Zien. “Special Issue: Race and performance in the US-Canada borderlands.” Theatre Research in Canada, Vol. 41.1, 2020.

Deiulis, Vince. “Intercultural Collaboration: Lessons Learned and Friendships Forged.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 186 (Spring 2021), pp. 87-90.


Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic. Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. 2nd Ed. New York: NYU Press, 2012.


Désir, Rhodnie. “Decolonizing Dance Stages: Presenters talk about breaking barriers.” The Dance Current, 18 Jan 2018,

Diangelo, Robin. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. Beacon Press, 2020.

Diane, Ciara. “When the Students Have Notes for the Teachers.” American Theatre, 6 Aug. 2020,

Dinkins Jr., Kelvin and Al Heartley. “We Don’t Want Your Statements, American Theatre: Or, The Solidarity We Actually Needed.” HowlRound Theatre Commons, 11 June 2020,

Dismantling Racism Works (DRW). “Dismantling Racism Works Web Workbook.” 2021,

Diverlus, Rodney. “Black Lives Matter Toronto: Urgency as Choreographic Necessity.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 176 (2018), pp. 62–68.

Doyle, Aaron, et al. “Addressing Systemic Racism at Carleton: Our Shared Responsibility.” 30 Jun 2020,

Eddo-Lodge, Reni. Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. Bloomsbury, 2020.

Edugyan, Esi. “The weight of change should not be on the shoulders of Black people.” Macleans, 4 June 2020,

Elghawaby, Amira. “Carding of black student at uOttawa should never have happened.” Ottawa Citizen, 17 Jun 2019,

Endo Inouye, Traci, and Hannah Diaz. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Audit Report.” The California Endowment, Aug 2017,

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Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press, 1967.


Flicker, Sarah Sophie and Alyssa Klein. “Anti-racism resources.” May 2020,

Francis, Claire. “Being Black And Free in the 21st century.” Waterloo News, 16 Feb 2021,

Golden, Thelma. Freestyle. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 2001.


Greene, Austin, “Abolitionist Arts Education Curriculum Guide.” 4 Nov 2021, NYC Arts in Education Roundtable,


Ha, Andrew. “Panelists discuss anti-Black racism on campus — eight months after racial profiling incident at UBC.” The Ubyssey, 7 Feb 2020,


Harney, Stephano and Fred Moten. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study. New York: Minor Compositions, 2013.


Helms, Janet E. A Race Is a Nice Thing to Have: A Guide to Being a White Person or Understanding the White Persons in Your Life. 3rd Ed. Cognella, 2020.


Henry, Natasha. “If Black lives truly matter in Canada, an apology for slavery is only a first step.” Spacing Toronto, 9 Jun 2020,


Hilaire, Jourdan. “A Call to Action.” Chronicle of Higher Education, 10 June 2020,


Hill, Kelly. Demographic Diversity of Artists in Canada in 2016. Statistical Insights in the Arts report 51, January 2020. Her Majesty in right of Canada, 2019.


James, Ann. “Intimate Reform: Making Space for Leaders of Color.” HowlRound Theatre Commons, 19 Mar 2020,

James, Carl. “The crisis of anti-Black racism in schools persists across generations.” Royal Society of Canada, 26 Aug 2019,

Johnson, Carlisa. “Resources for Accountability and Actions for Black Lives.” 27 May 2020,

Khalema, Tsholo. “Black Armour.“ Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 170 (2017), pp. 30–33.

Kamai, Brittany, et al. “About #ShutDownSTEM and #ShutDownAcademia.” #ShutDownAcademia,

Keiley, Jillian and Nina Lee Aquino. “Nina Lee Aquino: Decentering Whiteness.” National Arts Centre Stage Advice Podcast, 12 Dec 2019,

Keleta-Mae, Naila. “Amiri Baraka: A Lifetime of Saying the Unsayable” Canadian Review of American Studies, Vol. 46.2 (Summer): pp. 265-279.

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———. “Black Lives Matter Toronto Sit-In at PRIDE.” Until We’re Free: Black Lives Matter in Canada. Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson and Syrus Marcus Ware, Eds. Regina: University of Regina Press, pp. 263-275.

———. “Canadian Theatre Made for Black Women.” Theatre Research in Canada, Vol. 39.1. (2018), pp. 227-241.

———. “An autoethnographic reading of Djanet Sears’s The Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of God.Theatre Research in Canada,  Vol. 31.1 (2015), .

———. “A Pedagogy of Justice.” Canadian Theatre Review, Vol. 147 (Summer 2011). pp. 38-42. Print.

Kendi, Ibrahim X. How to Be An Antiracist. Random House, 2019.

Kondo, Dorinne. Worldmaking: Race, Performance, and the World of Creativity. Duke University Press, 2018.

Krichel, Sarah. “Canadian Universities Using 'Black Death as a PR stunt': Students.” Vice, 18 Jun 2020. Accessed 5 May 2021,

Lawson, Kimberly. “Why Seeing Yourself Represented on Screen Is So Important.” Vice, 20 Feb 2018,

Lamonte, Amélie. “Guide to Allyship.” Amélie Lamont, 2021.


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